Saturday, May 1, 2010

Welcome to my world!

It is so funny to think a little over a year ago I had one tote bag of "stuff" & was using my side of the bed as a soon as I got my cricut that was all over!!! Here it AWESOME workspace!! It may not be big, but its fun-filled with everything & more that I need to create! Stop in & play anytime! Welcome to my world *my brand new blog* where I will be posting my projects, items I will be selling, and eventually some videos showing the step by step process for special projects. :o) Sounds like fun, eh?! Thanks for stopping by & be sure to tell your friends! ps. my claim is crafter...not photographer...sorry for the blurry pics. :o)


  1. Good job Michele! Hope that your blog becomes the next big thing :)

  2. Awesome space! Isn't it something how fast supplies accumulate? I signed up to follow you and can't wait to see some of the projects you make with all your stuff. Enjoy blogging. Shari (cricutrookie)
